Mohammad looking at the camera in white shirt and blue jacket

Mohammad Darawshe

Board Member, Director of Strategy- Givat Haviva

Mohammad Darawshe is the Director of Strategy at the Center for Shared Society at Givat Haviva. He holds a master's degree in Peace and Conflict Management from Haifa University, and is a Robert Bosch Academy Fellow and faculty member at the Hartman Institute. Previously worked as co-director of The Abraham Initiatives, elections campaign manager at the Democratic Arab Party and United Arab List, and was a leadership fellow at the New Israel Fund.

Member of the executive board of Darkenu, Pnima, and Aaron Economics Center. Previously elected council member of his hometown Iksal. Presented lectures at the European parliament, NATO Defense College, the World Economic Forum, Club de Madrid, US Congress ,and Israel's Presidential Conference. Recipient of the Peacemakers Award from the Catholic Theological Union and the Peace and Security Award of the World Association of NGOs. Member of the National Committee on Coexistence Education Policy; the Three-Sector Roundtable at the Prime Minister's office; and the Strategic Planning Authority for Economic Development of Arab Sector.


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