Artists in Residence

Artists in Residence

Why is this program important?

What happens after students graduate from an Israeli Art School? Only a tiny percentage (about 1%) immediately find success in the art world as working artists. Even the artists who are able to find work struggle to support themselves as artists.

The other 99 % of graduates who do not immediately succeed in the art world face challenges in continuing their artistic pursuits. For many who don’t have the financial resources to support themselves, this is the end of their road in the arts. This is even more true for graduates from Arab society, who face additional barriers due to systemic discrimination.  

To address this need, Givat Haviva, in partnership with a representative of the Bezalel Academy of Design and Art, has initiated a 3-month Artists-in-Residence program for recent graduates of art institutes. The program is designed to help facilitate the transition from "art student" to "working artist," with a focus on the arts, cooperation, and community. 

The program aims to support a new generation of minority artists as working artists and agents of change. The inaugural 3-month residency began in November 2022 and offers an opportunity for recent graduates to receive support and guidance as they navigate the challenges of building a career as a working artist.

Goals and Objectives 

  1. The Artists-in-Residence Program at the GH Art Center facilitates the transition of young artists from art institutions' sheltered environment to the art industry's outside world. The program bridges institutions and industry, providing artists with the necessary tools and skills to become working artists and connect them with the broader art community.
  2. Equips young artists with practical skills not typically taught in higher art institutions, such as dealing with the art world's economic realities, submitting work to galleries, and participating in multi-participant projects. These skills are essential for artists to succeed in the industry and continue their careers after graduation.
  3. Promotes cooperation between art fields and institutions and connects young artists from Jewish and Arab communities. The program seeks to break down barriers between these communities and foster collaboration and mutual understanding.
  4. Promotes art as a tool for social change and activism. Artists are not just creators but activists within their community and society. The program includes various activities, such as educational workshops and public art events, to encourage artists to engage with their communities and shape reality through their art. The program also aims to promote art to the broader public with open houses, educational workshops, activities, and exhibitions at Givat Haviva.

Program Description 


The program will consist of a diverse group of 12 recent graduates from various art institutions, including disciplines such as plastic arts, dance, design, music, theater, and cinema. The group will be comprised of 6 Jews and 6 Arabs. These institutions may include Bezalel, Midrasha-Beit Berl, WIZO Haifa, Sapir - College of Art and Society, University of Haifa, Academy of Music and Dance, Shenkar, Sam Spiegel, and Camera Obscura.

A committee of 6 artists serves as an admissions team. Members of this committee come from different disciplines, have experience in local and international activities, are involved in collaborative initiatives, and hold institutional positions. The selection criteria will include talent, economic situation, commitment, and representation of minority groups in Israeli society.


Months 1-2: Preparation, open call for participants, interviews 

Months 3-5: Residency Program 

Month 6: Close out of the program and joint exhibit at the GH Art Gallery 

Program Components 

The program aims to provide modular artistic support tailored to the unique needs of the artists while fostering a shared group platform that encourages collaboration, learning, and creativity among the residents. 

  1. Logistical Support
    The program will provide participants with full room and board and a shared workspace available 24/7. 
  2. Professional Support
    Residents will receive approximately 18 hours of individual consulting over the three months and professional, artistic, and curatorial support to expand and refine their artistic pursuits. Additionally, three multidisciplinary group workshops will be held during the program.
  3. Meeting with Local and International Artists
    Participants will meet with local and international artists for studio visits and professional feedback. Each resident will meet with three different artists based on their specific needs. The program will also include three study tours to galleries and museums with artists and/or curators guiding the tours.
  4. Interaction on the Givat Haviva Campus
    Residents have the opportunity to interact with various departments and change agents on the Givat Haviva campus. Thousands of schoolchildren, youth, educators, community activists, local and national leaders, and citizens from around the world fill the campus throughout the year, creating a rich environment for social change and inspiration.
  5. Public Community Artistic Workshops
    Residents lead three groups of four to host artistic events that engage with different Jewish and Arab community groups in the area surrounding Givat Haviva. A monthly "Gallery Talk" will also be held where residents will open their studios to the general public and discuss their work.
  6. Promoting Art in Minority Communities
    Each institution of higher education where the residents studied holds an open house at the Givat Haviva campus, providing an opportunity for youth interested in studying art to learn more about art as a career of study. The program particularly encourages youth from Arab society who do not have access to organized art studies at their schools.
  7. Final Exhibit
    The program culminates with an exhibit where residents showcase their individual and group work in the GH Art Gallery.

Shared Workspace  

A shared workspace was created by renovating a 170 sq. meter space adjacent to the Art Center, with a lobby, kitchenette, storage area, and restrooms. This will promote collaboration among the residents as they work alongside each other in the same studio.